Pyramid meditation includes meditating beneath a copper pyramid that has been built at an angle. These structures are excellent cosmic energy transmitters and receivers. So how does meditation beneath a pyramid affect your body?
Pyramids help harmonise the negative energies of radio and other frequencies.
The pyramid completely is believed to saturate the body with healthy vibratory frequencies. Here are some of the benefits you can get from using my copper meditation pyramid for a short time:
• Have more energy.
• Reduce stress
• Removes negative thoughts and toxins
• Feel more relaxed and calm.
• Transforms anger into compassion
• Have clarity of mind.
Clinical testing has revealed that undesirable positive ions may cause feelings of depression and eventually sickness. Negative ions can cause a feeling or sense of well-being because of the beneficial effects of the body. Positive ions are plentiful in polluted air and smog, whereas negative ions are abundant after heavy rain or near a waterfall. The air we breathe has been found to contain approximately 2000 positive ions per cubic centimetre and 10,000 ions retrospectively (see here.).
Want to learn more about the meditation pyramid and how it can help you? Contact me today.